Sunday, July 10, 2005

Shifting the Curve

If you scroll way, way down to the bottom of this blog, you'll see an icon about the MIT blogger survey. It doesn't take long, and you'll become part of the statistical bank showing who's who in blogging.
I was particularly interested in the part of the survey that dealt with social networks - the people you know, who's in your family, how you met them.
Most all my contacts were made offline - I've met so many folks over the course of a careeer in newspapers and now in teaching that the "rich man, poor man, beggarman, thief/doctor, lawyer, Indian chief" are part of the people-scape of my life.
Thanx and a hat tip (anyone remember that?) to Bora ... be sure to check in at the Tarheel Tavern now making merry at Scrutiny Hooligans.

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