Sunday, April 17, 2005

Entering the blogosphere

As a former journalist and now professor of English and journalism, I've watched the development of the blogosphere with some of the reticence of a traditionally trained newsperson - personal identity subsumed, beliefs and allegiances kept hidden behind that curtain (at least most of the time.) Journalists hold to objectivity, or at least neutrality, while bloggers explore the new communication paradigm of transparency - pulling back the curtain on our biases and histories and revealing as well as the methods of information-gathering.
It's funny how enough material gathers, straw by straw, to create that tipping weight. I've watched the development of Greensboro 101 - and followed Google links to such esoteric locations as Blog da Loba - - a Brazilian site where I puzzled out a reference to my long-ago SF novel published there as "Mundo Perdido. "
This blog will have a little of this and a little of that - some creative work, some thoughts as a teacher, some shared travel experiences. I'm looking forward to sharing this journey.


Anonymous said...

We're looking forward to reading about your journey, too! (Pam P)

Anonymous said...

hey val--
I'm very glad you've entered into the blogworld! I hope you and Jack are doing fantastically well!!

:) chris